I'm scared to death of light and s i l e n c e


05.08.2012 Ok. Non scrivo e non torno qui da non so quanto. D'altro canto le vacanze portano più impegni di quelli invernali, quindi perdonatemi. Ordunque, non mi sono ancora stancato di questa skin (il che è incredibile). Ho creato una skin chiamata "The Dragonborn Comes" apposta per un forum che me lo aveva chiesto. Sono conscio che devo ancora fare un sacco di cose qui... vi prometto che fra una sigaretta e l'altra ce la farò. Intanto devo cambiare il marquee qui sotto, perchè è impossibile leggere quello che c'è scritto e soprattutto non serve ad un granchè così x'D Al prossimo aggiornamento (speriamo prima di due mesi...) 12.05.2012 Ebbene eccoci qui, dopo tanto combattere, sono riuscito a trovare il tempo necessario a finire questa nuova skin, l'ho chiamata Lovely Bones, e quando mi sarò stancato la renderò pubblica -- Bene, credo che devo sbrigarmi a metterla a posto, altrimenti potrei sul serio morirne.
New Skin: The DragonBorn Comes (non prelevabile) ---- New Tab: Tic Toc ---- New Code: ---- New Help: Bottoni-Menù .journal .recensioni .iniziative .gnagnagna
KissMe: @Fb @Tweet @G+ @UC-Cervello.Team @Sen @Alex @BarCode @ItAllEndsHere @NotCopy It all started when our predictably heroic hero, Bill Brasky, woke up in a bush. It was the seventh time it had happened. Feeling excessively displeased, Bill Brasky hit a wolverine, thinking it would make him feel better (but as usual, it did not). Duly ecstatic about the looming crises, he realized that his beloved iPad was missing! Immediately he called his so-called best friend, Leroy Jenkins. Bill Brasky had known Leroy Jenkins for (plus or minus) 200,000 years, the majority of which were enticing ones. Leroy Jenkins was unique. He was smart though sometimes a little... insensitive. Bill Brasky called him anyway, for the situation was urgent.


Hurricane; Portfolio! - Lovely Bones version

ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info

track.01 -- You can break, your back get fucked up, feel the heat

Guestbook + Dashboard + Give me a Kiss
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
1412926/6/2012, 14:58
In: sento che tu mi senti(?)
By: hurricane;

track.02 -- Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars

Hurricane + Journal + Folders
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
13379/8/2012, 10:24
In: Senza Nome #1
By: hurricane;

track.03 -- 'Cause all those R.I.P. are out and walking the streets

Characters Sheets
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
In: Don't Copy, Credit
By: Hurricane;

graphics & resources
In: ----
By: ----

Track.04 -- This fire is burning, it burns inside of me

gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
small pieces; large pieces; avatars&signs
263116/9/2012, 02:11
In: Twisted Stuff
By: hurricane;

track.05 -- I come alive when i'm falling down

Skin + Codes + Tabs
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
63224/1/2015, 15:24
In: Prelevami Tuttoh!
By: hurrycane

track.06 -- How can I change, when you're the disaster?

Resources + Help
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
1230/7/2012, 10:20
By: hurricane;

Track.07 -- Give me every little bit of your broken heart

Requests + Judge Me
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
15616/5/2012, 20:37
In: Logo per Yrtimid
By: hurricane;

love & fun
In: ----
By: ----

track.08 -- Give me love, give me love love love!

Affly + Lotteries
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
2720919/10/2012, 14:29
In: doyouwanta b a n a n a ? ²¹
By: eirene.

track.09 -- You can't put me out like a cigarette!

gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
82222/10/2013, 19:33
In: Nuovi contest del W_L Forum
By: Without_Loved

Ghost.Track -- Keep your distance, far away from me

Trash + Archive
gni gna gnu gni gna gnu gni gna gnu herself with? I don't get what it is, it looks strange, also you know the doctors baby that he put back together? Is that's what's in the basement and what attacked the crack girl at the beginning? :)
9914419/8/2012, 19:15
In: Protected Forum
By: ----

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